Trump’s out of office…but not gone

While I am writing this just to experiment with WordPress and settings on a practice site, I just thought I would get this off my chest. I remain amazed at how a large proportion of our citizens still look to DJT as a leader while claiming that they are patriots who care about our country. They overlook the obvious signs of authoritarianism and the slippery slope of fascism he has started. I can not understand how they can willfully ignore the attempted coup and violent insurrection he instigated as the last wobbly legs of democracy bent but did not break in his attempts. Failed coups are just practice. I fear that we will have an ever increasing threat of violence with future elections and I honestly believe that those who have willfully swallowed Trump’s bullshit will never see through his lies, dishonesty, and immorality.

4 Replies to “Trump’s out of office…but not gone”

  1. I find this horribly offensive and you are clearly a leftist commie pinko who loves Marxist ideology. I am a true patriot because I have a big ass Gadsden flag flying off the bed of my truck.

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