Jake Tapper of CNN did it best:
Trump Better Than Biden on Economy? Think again.
The comparison between Biden and Trump regarding their impact on the US economy is highly debated and often depends on one’s political perspective. Trump focused on tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, deregulation, and trade protectionism, which supporters claim spurred economic growth and lowered unemployment rates pre-pandemic. On the other hand, Biden emphasizes infrastructure investment, green energy, and increased taxation on the wealthy, which proponents argue will (and have) lead to sustainable growth and reduced inequality. Ultimately, the effectiveness of their policies can be evaluated based on long-term economic outcomes and differing metrics of success.
The experts have weighed in based on their proposals for the next 4 years and Biden’s policies and proposals look to create a better economic future than the failed and fraudulent con man Trump .
Furthermore, 16 Nobel laureate economists have endorsed Biden’s policies stating that Trump’s policies would drive inflation and trigger a recession, not just for the US but for a good portion of the world.
But what about long term national debt? It’s well proven that national debt wasn’t a problem until Ronald Reagan ushered in the era of “trickle down” economics. Republican administrations since are responsible for a larger portion of our national debt than Democratic administrations due to their “no tax and spend” ideology. Trump ran up national debt twice as fast as Biden, and while Biden needs to focus on bringing the debt down, Trump’s plans will continue his reckless, unnecessary tax cuts and drive the debt soaring.
Yes, everyday expenses are higher now than they were pre-pandemic. It may not feel that the economy is doing well. But if you feel that way now, just wait until Trump’s proposed tariffs increase your annual household costs $1700-$2350. Talk about inflation! Don’t believe me? Well then you should read the Wall Street Journal, ya know, that leftist liberal rag owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp
So, if you think Trump would be a better shepherd of our economic future, you need to look at the data, listen to the experts, and seriously rethink your position and watch this video.

POTUS is now a King
Scotland 2023
Well, we’re back from Scotland. If you want to see the pictures in a slideshow format, you will need to use Plex and look at the home video library.
Why Your Gas is Expensive
America is going through an oil boom — and this time it’s different
Trump’s out of office…but not gone
While I am writing this just to experiment with WordPress and settings on a practice site, I just thought I would get this off my chest. I remain amazed at how a large proportion of our citizens still look to DJT as a leader while claiming that they are patriots who care about our country. They overlook the obvious signs of authoritarianism and the slippery slope of fascism he has started. I can not understand how they can willfully ignore the attempted coup and violent insurrection he instigated as the last wobbly legs of democracy bent but did not break in his attempts. Failed coups are just practice. I fear that we will have an ever increasing threat of violence with future elections and I honestly believe that those who have willfully swallowed Trump’s bullshit will never see through his lies, dishonesty, and immorality.
Hello World…wake up!
Let’s face it…Trump just sucks. So do the sycophants in the GOP. We served our country to protect liberty, democracy, and our Constitution and the traitor in the oval office needs to go.